Monday, February 25, 2008

The weekend

Wow...that one went by quick...the week-end that is! On Saturday, I did get Emil to help me turn the mattress, then I changed the sheets, did a little laundry, and did a tidy up in the bathrooms before going for a Nordic walking stik walk..after I walked Silky. By the time I got home and ate brunch, the afternoon was there, and our new neighbours Mike and Alyssa, were knocking at our door to return a drywall knife. They are doing a total reno of their new house ( the brown one to the Nelson (west) of us). Well, we had a drink, then some snacks,and another drink, and before you know it, it was dark out.

I had put a semi frozen Toupie ham in the oven and it was no where near cooked till somewhere around 8:00 pm... You could say that the evening was shot, before we finally sat down and ate dinner.

Sunday morning, however was only the beginning of another similar day... cleaned a little, vacuumed, did some laundry, then Emil and I cooked up a nice ham and egg and hashbrown breakfast, using the fresh and yummy eggs that Emil collected from Lynn and Rick's chickens while they were in Kelowna.

Ashley and Deb, our other rather new neighbours ( Bill's daughter), joined us for breakfast. Guess I should have had some champagne for the orange juice, but we survived without it!
Everyone filled up with the essential kind of breakfast,then topped it off with one of the date muffins I made the night before. After we were all plumped up, we decided to go x-country skiing out to the BAlfour golf course. It was still frozen enough that we could slip slide right along easily on top of the snow, even tho it hadn't been tracked. Deb and Ashley prefer snowshoeing, s o they shoed and we skiied as best we could , choosing any one of many tracks to follow, or to make our own.

Right off the bat, we had to navigate down a little hill just beyond the golf course, and both Emil and I crashed! Too funny! That is one thing about snow shoes, you seem to stay upright!
We slogged our way, or should I say...I slogged my way through all nine holes on the front nine. Only thing we were missing was the golf clubs! Ashley is like the energizer bunny, and Deb hopped along without any signs of the huffing and puffing that Emil and I had!

We opted to quit after the first nine, but last week-end Deb and Ash also navigated their way through the entire back nine...made me tired just thinking about it!

So instead of going to the BBI, Deb and Ash invited us over...That was nice...we were tuckered out....well, I was tuckered out. My knee and ankle aren't being kind to me these days, so I was happy to veg out for a few minutes.

That, however didn't last long!

Ashley brought out his Wii game for his new huge flatscreen, and before you know it, we were all bowling in the living room. Of course, one doesn't really bowl, but how you hold the Wand thingy and when you release the button, all has considerable bearing on the way your bowling bowl goes down the alley.

Emil and Ashley had Strike after strike,and spare after spare, while Deb did pretty good, and lets just say, I struggled... I broke a hundred on game two, but that was quite pathetic. Seems that even in my old worst days of bowling, I could bowl about 150 .

After two games of bowling, my wrist felt like it was going to be in a permanent droop. It was excrutiatingly painful and aching...still is. Imagine if it had of been a real bowling ball? Ha!

So the fellows, continued to play golf, and we all continued to munch, as Deb brought out one delicious snack after the next.

Deb's daughter, Cait, is a hairdresser, and she cut my hair last Thursday, s o she continued along with the process and foiled my hair at Deb's. So we ate some more and drank some more, and the guys were still golfing and the Academy awards had begun... another day, zapped out from under me! Finally we made it back home somewhere around eight o'clock and pretty much, went to bed after we had some ham...always seem to need real food, even if we were stuffed with snackie-poos.

Oh yes, I talked to Joyce, and she made it home safe and sound after a huge trip to Virginia's and then to Derricks...all by bus! An avalanche near Golden, kept them waiting in the bus for three hours... how awful!

The kids all seem to be doing fine and Emil is basking in retirement mode. He is all excited to bring his boat back home ( to Peter's) now that it has been fixed up. As Cheryl says...B.O.A.T stands for BRING ON ANOTHER THOU!

Chris and Carolyne are on their way to the Dominican to exactly where we went...They fly out tomorrow for two weeks. I hope they love it as much as we did...the temp is around 28* it should be balmy.

Have a good one...thanks to everyone who has replied about Emil's party... we will figure out accomodation when I see how many can't fit in our house. The Balfour Beach Inn will probably be able to give us a pretty good rate if we need other rooms. I'll check with the owner in another month or so. We'll have lots of room for camping and rigs.

"The Creator"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What Party is that and are we invited?? your cuz Lynn