Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bye bye Blogreaders...

Just a little fairwell note before I turn in... No, it isn't the end of the dying blog, but just a hiatus while the big guy and I take a little retirement trip to the Dominican republic. We fly out of Calgary on Tuesday morning and shant return till its nearly February! Whahoo... I'll try to post the odd post on my blog while I am gone, as I understand they have an Internet room...whee! Mostly I'll be planted under a PAlapas hut or on a beach soaking up the heat without the rays...and sipping on a CO-co Loco. It will be tough, but someone has to do it... Adios Amigos. I sure hope my Coffee Break spanish comes in handy! so, hold off on the emails and jokes and the facebook pokes and booze and so on...cause I can't answer you till way later next month. Thanks for your consideration...and sorry about the unfinished Scrabulous games...
Have a good couple of weks, and I'll raise my glass to salute all of you who aren't there with us! Just wait till I win that darn Publishers Clearing house five grand a week!
Love you all... Buenes Notche!

"The Creator"

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