Saturday, December 15, 2007

Emil's new Toy

Well, there was plenty of snow when we woke up this morning.. Once he got it all going, there was no stopping him!

He'll be back at it Sunday morning, as it was once again snowing tonight.
Emil and I did a couple of "20's " in the hot-tub while the flakes were swirling around in the wind... and where did that come from?

My Frosty the snowman out front got a little heavy with snow and it caused him to topple over , carrot first into the snow. Part of his problem was that a tether had come unhitched... good thing he wasn't filled with helium!

So, it was a slightly accomplished day. I cleaned and vacuumed and did some laundry, then I finished my wrapping and have a box ready to be shipped out to the kids...Just waiting for two more things...but if they aren't here on Tuesday, then it will be adios for the parcel or it won't ever arrive by Christmas.
My back was still achy this morning from who knows what...maybe packing two huge bags of garbage from the back to the front, the other day. Emil's back was sore by the time he finished all the snow, the reason for the hot-tub tonight. Now it seems like I have instantly caught a sore throat /sinus thing. Looks like it is even worse since I drank a neo citran... I hope it isn't Strep Throat, like Annette caught!
Might be time to hit the hay after this long day. I have to admit that I had a very good sleep last night. It is good to have Emil home again after being away for most of the previous month. He returned on Friday from his LAST road trip! Yippey KAY Yea!
The reality that he will be home 24-7 is slowly sinking in, but I guess we will have to live it ourselves before we know what it is all about. In the meantime, I'll continue to work! It should save my sanity!
Nighty night and have a great Sunday!

"The Creator"
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