Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Welcome to : HomePage : Free, printable Christmas gift tags

Welcome to : HomePage : Free, printable Christmas gift tags
Here are some cute printable Christmas tags...Like we are there yet?

Some of the many photos from Victoria when Joyce and I went down to see the girls.

A project for the girls to do for Christmas...

Pretty Maddie ,who performed in the choir at her Rememberance Day ceremonies at her school. Kaleigh Went to the city ceremonies with the Pathfinders.

Our walk along the Gorge...

Mom and daughter with their new "Doos"

A quick visit to Victoria Harbour to show Joyce some of the sites. That is the Empress hoterl in the background.

Sorry I haven't been acing the blog lately... I had a lovely trip to Victoria with my sister Joyce over the Rememberance Day week-end...I'm sorry, I know, I should of called you Eileen, but it seems like the week-end went by way too crazy fast. Every time I thought about calling anyone, it was when we were in the car heading to somewhere else. Three days just aren't enough for that long of a trip,which was made even longer by the fact that the 7:00 am ferry never left due to the huge wind storm on Monday, and Joyce and I spent the whole morning hanging out at the ferry Terminal...Dismal is all I can say.

The ferry finally left the dock at 1:00pm. That put us at Costco at 4:30 where we did a whirlwind trip through the store and we were on our way by 5:30. What a heck of a time to be heading across the province. I won't go into the dreadful trip details,save to say that I made it home at 2:30 am. Don't try it on your own! I could have never done it by myself! Thank goodness Joyce helped me with the driving. At that, I am still tired!

Its a good thing I had so much fun with my grandaughters and my daughters and my sister while we were there... and to boot we even made it up to Mill Bay to catch lunch with Dick and Nadine and Georgia and to see their new baby...such a cute little baby man! Nonie joined us at Timmy's,s o it was good to see everyone at once.I had to keep thinking about how wonderful our visit was, to get me through the snowy roads on the way home. ( The Bluegrass music helped when we were peetering out!) Oh yes, thanks to Sirius Satellite radio for keeping the tunes coming whe we were in the boondocks. The storm hit everywhere by the looks of it with trees down, along our route home. Some poor people were still without power tonight.

I can't believe how much my granddaughters have grown. Kaleigh is taller than me now, and MAddie is all legs! Sonia is looking like a supermodel and Annette is the fashionista with some great new pumps, and a couple of Fabulous coats she ordered on-line from the USof A.

I spent half of Friday at the Hairdressers getting a dippety new doo for the Xmas season... then Sonia went in the afternoon... She came back without a trace of blonde, and looked like a million bucks!

Joyce built pie pastry and I used the apple peeler to peel dozens of Gala apples I brought from Keromeos. We then made pies and Joyce made tarts and all in by the time Saturday arrived, we had the best ever stuffed and roasted chicken dinner with all the trimmings that I missed out on, at Thanksgiving...topped off by the apple pie with a dollop of ice-cream. Yum. Sonia's friend, Michelle and her two girls joined us for that yum-yum dinner,as well.

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