Monday, November 19, 2007

Everybody PArty!

The week-end started on Friday afternoon at the HEU office in NElson where an open house was held to honour Emil, Jean , and Janice, who are all retiring in the very near future. Friday was in fact, JAnice's last work day. Good friends and coworkers came and went all afternoon to say hello and bid goodbye. The three have over a hundred years of combined service for HEU. They will be missed by members of both the East and West Kootenays,that is for sure..not to mention the IHA people whom they deal with on a day to day basis to settle issues and come to agreements with.

Janice in front, listening to Emil's farewell..

Jean, Emil and Janice honours and over a Hundred years of combined service

Emil's boss, Bonnie , who made a spot in her busy schedule to fly in .

Daryl, Jean, Eleanor, Bonnie and a bit of Tracey...enjoying the BBQ'd Steak... Don't fret if you don't see the rest of the food...It was on the counter and outside on the table..

Emil ,having a pensive moment

Dog-gone good Party...Rascal and Silky
The party migrated out to our house on Friday night, before everyone got too inebriated to drive!

Bonnie having some fun after a long trip from Victoria

Emil's secretary Deb, in the black chair...Jean and Daryl, off to the left

Three amigos..Wayne and Darren and Gord...

The party got going Friday night, but got going better by Saturday night when the rest of the guests arrived. More pics on the slide show to the right on my sidebar.
Lets just say that everyone had a lot of fun, eating, drinking and dancing and playing Texas hold-um...not to mention a few dips in the hot-tub. It was a great week-end, all in all, and a special big thanks to all of those who travelled so far to be with Emil and Janice and Jean on their big day of HEU Celebration.
Don't feel bad if you missed it. We'll do it all over again next summer on the July long week-end or on Emil's birthday when we can whoop it up in the summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone here in 08!

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Anonymous said...

Does Silky have a new Boyfriend?? I won't show this one to Coco..ha ha

Buzzy said...

Lets say the CAT thought the new boyfriend ws CO-Co!

Anonymous said...

Liked the Video and slide show...Good work Bea. and

Congratulations on Emil's Retirement Celebration. Looked like a Fun Party alrighty! L