Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday and my Maiden Voyage...

Here's Emil' boat ,moored down at Peter's. Note the little stretch of H2O to wade through...before the pier! ( Note to ones-self...the water is colder than a tray of icecubes in an igloo freezer!) Avoid falling in...

Emil undoing the covers

Backing out is hard work!

Note that all the floor coverings are now snapped into place. Emil took me for my first spin in the new rig...out to Queen's Bay where we doodled along past all of the lakeshore cabins and homes. To me, the boat ran well, and the captain was incredibley happy to be a Cappy!!

The three amigoes. Wayne ( middle) arrived late this safternoon, followed by John( to the right) an hour later. Take about worse than hens! We've heard a few dandies tho..enough to keep us all laughing! Thank goodness for his buddies arriving when Emil needed it the most!

"The Creator"

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