Looking out on where our firepit is buried under water now ( to the left in the pic)
Lots of debris has floated onto our property
Flooding occurring as the waters rise...however this is typical.
The water is freezing cold,as I found out this morning. Walking out to our wharf is out of the question
The teenager laughing her head off...during our game of Train...
Sorry to hear that you are a Sicky on your birthday...good thing you celebrated early.
My day started with a walk down to the flooded beach and much to my astonishment, there lying in the flood waters was my crooked branch Weeping Willow tree...with many chewed up branches floating in the water...Still standing was the other trunk of the tree, but it is the trunk that is pretty much dead. So it looks like a beaver was caught red-toothed and was scared off before it could gnaw down trunk #2 of the flailing Weeping willow tree. Here is the mystery... Why chew off a perfectly delicious 6 ft tall tree trunk and then chew off half of the remaining branches ( all the green leafed ones) and then leave the whole mess floating around in the water? So that is how my day started...P*ssed OFF. That poor little tree has only begun to look like a tree, in the last couple of years.I was contemplating the removal of one of the trunks, but I surely would have chosen the "Dead" side instead of the live side.
So....anyone know how to trap a beaver???
I'm catching on to the gopher program. We have been relieved of two in the past two days:-)
...Oh yes, and a baby bird that the cat caught...and two mice that she nabbed ,as well.
The eagle took care of a snake the other morning, right before our eyes... so ,as you can see, the wildlife population is exploding and imploding at the same time...
I just wished they would leave my garden alone....and my trees...
So it is way past my bedtime again... I stopped for groceries after work and bumped into Leona and Dan...we had a little chit-chat...nice to see you two again!You were both looking great!
I'll have to tell about Bill's funeral another day. Safe to say,it was a very sad one and it will be some time before Emil gets over losing yet another best friend.
This Saturday we are going to intern Emil's mom's ashes at the Grand-forks cemetaryThat will be another sad time for us.
And my condolences to Joan and Dave...as Joan's dad passed away on Wednesday evening after a long illness...
And so my friends...live every day the best you can. Each day is a gift...that is why they call it the present.
Good night and God-bless
"The Creator"
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