Sunday, April 01, 2007

Changing the name of my blog

How do you like Earwax for a name? I thought it reflected what all my bs would do to a person...just fill their ears up with wax until they were plug full of B*llsh*t from the Buzzy. I mean who cares if I have a new flower blooming or if the deer ate them? Today will be the start of a new era for my blog... I'll only be posting exclusive and private secrets about everyone I know, from here on in. I will tell you the truth about what is happening to my friends, my enemies,my neighbours, my kids, my grandkids, my cousins, my sisters, my brothers and my co-workers.

Pure Dirt!

Nothing will be barred and before you can read my blog, you'll have to take an oath to never reaveal to anyone what you read here on the blog. No more talk about weather, no more talk about deer, no more pics of flowers...just the raw truth, as I hear it. Furthermore, if you don't wish to have your name mentioned, there will be a fee...not too big, but I will discuss it later.
Dated this Day... Sunday, April 1st, 2007

"The Creator"


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read about myself, but i am not an april fool just a fool

Buzzy said...

This must be the Town Crier reporting...

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to hear about all the FOOLS whom you might talk about.