Saturday, November 11, 2006

Recipes are Assembled

I'm slowly building this baby, but it seems to be at eleven o'clock at night every time I get around to it...

Anyhow, it looks like I have most of the recipe linmks in order. Next I 'll work on adding my links. Just a matter of seeing which links are still functioning.

I would like to add cute little pics and so on, but first, I need to learn more about that. I think it means that i need my own webspace to host those kind of things. It looks like Shaw gives you a certain amount of space...just a matter of getting it up and running. Lets say it won't happen tonight.

This is the first three day week-end I will have had to spend at home. Today was well spent just baking up a storm and putting out some Xmas decorations on the front deck railing. Sounds a little early, but I am having a huge hen party next Sunday...for Partylite candles. Thus I want everything to look that a word?

Also, I helped Emil with the hot-tub. It sprung a leak and upon closer inspection, most of the seals were just downright he is having to replace all of them... a big job especially when it is pretty cold out. We got half of them done, and maybe tomorrow,we can work on the rest.


I'll try uploading a photo just for the heck of it. OOPs, I see it went to the top. I'll try putting one at the bottom now.

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