Friday, May 16, 2008

The Life and Times of Elijah Noah James

The Life and Times of Elijah Noah James
Mataya started a sweet website for Noah... bookmark it and check back often... His grandmas will be!

"The Creator"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beware of fake Paypal update!

My spam checker picked out a fake email from someone posing as PAyPAl asking you to update your credit info! Don't believe it for a moment! First mistake is that it isn't from
Mistake number two: It isn't addressed to me by name...just Dear Subscriber...
Lastly, the grammar is very poor. Never update any credit card info unless you at the very lest check those two things. ...then be very leary. Mostly no-one will send an email out of the blue asking you credit card info, so don't get sucked in!

"The Creator"

Happy Anniversary Joyce and Morgan!

Who says they can't still dance up a storm ? And this was taken in the summer at Leah's wedding, just after Joyce had her new knees installed! Congratulations you two "Rock and Rollers!" Happy Anniversary . The question is, which anniversary is it? Maybe number 44?

"The Creator"

Catching up on my neices...

Nadine and little Nolan...Look at how beautiful those blue eyes are!

Kendra helping her mom cut the birthday cake...a beautiful one at that!

And who are these two fashionistas?!! You both look great!

Cute Mackenzie and Kendra.....look at how they have grown!
Thanks for the photos, Lynn and Joyce...
Here's hoping that Lynn made it safely to Her kids in Calgary! It was a beautiful day for a drive!

"The Creator"

Warmest day of 2008!

Can anyone argue with a perfectly sunny day and then a warm evening to boot? Janice came over for the first time since she retired and we all had a big visit, followed by dinner of one half of Emil's nice Dolly...on the BBQ...excellent! Tastes like you are eating a chunk of was so fresh! Yum!

Even the moon co-operated!

Where there is smoke, there is fire...but first there was a lot of smoke!

A little wine, but no whine! Check that sunshine! Wow! One of the best days yet!

"The Creator"
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My fisherman is Back!

Emil took our neighbour Stan out fishing today and they caught fish...Stan got two and Emil caught this Dolly VArden... Nice eh?

It looks a little like a wolf eel in this photo...about five pounds...nice We'll be putting half onto the BBQ tomorrow night when Janice comes for dinner!

Last night , the clouds broke away and revealed a little glow of sunshine on the mountain peaks...Now I realize that the spruces are growing so tall, that someday in the not too distant future I won't even be able to see the mountains.!

This morning I had a mini invasion of those tiny sugar ants....marching right up onto my counter!!!! Chipotle pepper doesn't deter them, nor does the Swiffer cleaning fluid, but a dose of Ant B gone, seemed to keep them out for the rest of the day. I stopped at Wal-mart and bought the very last two packages of ant traps, and another container of ant killer. Looks like I'll have a little project on my hands this week-end. Make that ANOTHER project!

My plants upstairs are probably dieing as we speak for lack of water... and my doggy woggy needs a bath big time, and all my plants need to be put into the plant pots...and then there is the onions to be planted... Oh my... and this week-end is Bill's one year anniversary since his death. Hard to believe aye? The nice thing is that we have become very good friends with Bill's daughter, Deb and her hubby Ashley and two of their daughters who live at home- Caitlin and Kristen. Caitlin is a good little hairdresser, who trimmed up my hair tonight. Certainly is nice to have a hairdresser living right next door!
Night night... I'll try to get some of Joyce's pics up tomorrow night, of Virginia and family,after her trip to Red Deer... HAve a great Thursday tomorrow...What? Yes, it is supposed to go up to 30*. The lake is supposed to rise 36 inches or so this week. It is back up to the deep end of the dock...Emil's new dock!

"The Creator"
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Yahoo! Answers - Home

Yahoo! Answers - Home
Can't find the answer to a question...ask here?

"The Creator"


The Federal Foreskinsic Agency has been around today to collect DNA evidence. It appears that there is some connection between the balls above and the limp pr*ck stick down below. Someone has tried to protect it from the weather using a pathetic excuse for a raincoat, thus trying to incur further limp pr*ckedness in the weather stick... since the raincoat is far too small. For real protection, it would require a longer raincoat,and not such a droopy affair as seen below. In any case, we have had nothing but lousy weather since the weather stick arrived,and now that it has been sabotaged,we have more rain.

The weather stick is confused.

The balls and the raincoat were dusted for prints and small fragments of DNA. All the evidence is being sent to the crime lab in Nashville Tennessee, where other crimes of a similar nature were committed in past years. Mysteriously, the Nashville occurrences have ceased, but they have picked up in such northern locations as far north as Nelson and Vernon...

If anyone around here has had their stick sabotaged, possibly even with wieners, please let me know...the culprit uses many disguises and modis operandi!

Stay tuned for the reveal , in next week's episode...of the FFA.

"The Creator"
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Sunday, May 11, 2008


we met John and Ronda up at the Balfour golf course Saturday morning, just as a good nor'wester started to blow up. It was cool to start,but in a few holes, after numerous whacks at the old ball, we all warmed up! Above,you see John doing a little fishing on the back nine. It wasn't enough that Ronda's ball hit the drink, but then Emil had to give it the old college try and in he went also,and then Ronda drove another right in...too funny. Meanwhile,I avoided the water but went right into the sand bunker..sad, very sad!

Ronda could smack that ball good!

Back at the house we tried out the new "Toss up " game. The Reeses have another name for it...Bolo? I call it Bongo-Pongo! The idea is to toss those two rubber balls that are joined together, and aim for any one of the three bars on the stand..(about 15 or 20 feet away) If the balls wrap around the top rung, you score 3 points, 2 for the middle rung and 1 for the lowest rung. You play in teams of two to 21.

I confess, that we were better than the above pic demontrates! It was a lot of laughs as we tried every which way to fling the balls on a string.
John prefferred to do a powerful overhand throw so that they would bounce off the grass and up onto the rung above. We had to put a stop it before the balls exploded from stress!Lots of laughs. We'll be practicing up for the party. If anyone has any outdoor games they could contribute for the day,bring them along ,as we will have bocce and horseshoes and this new game to get everyone up and moving around!
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