Sunday, June 20, 2010

Visit from Jason

A nice surprise on Saturday...a visit from Jason... the youngest son of our former neighbour in Prince George...Oh my...he is all grown up now and a handsome young man who is into triathalons now.. and a lot of mountain and road biking.

He enjoyed the area so much, he would like to get himself a little summer house around here now.

You can see how high the water is and it is supposed to come up some more

Where Emil and Jason is standing is where all the geese hang out every morning...not to mention 2 beautiful golden eagles that have been kicking around!
"The Creator"
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your new backdrop with the Poppies. Mine are coming up really fast. I hope they are the red ones like yours are!!

The lake is coming up really it past the firepit?..