Monday, January 11, 2010

Surfer at Seaside

The day was warm and a bit windy, but not any sun in sight. Seaside is a little summer community that is south of Astoria, in Oregon and believe it or not, it is home to surfers. Seems like it is a huge sport there, no matter what the time of year is. There are surfboard shops in the town and as you will see by the photos, we watched one young fellow, brave the waters and paddle out so far, we needed the binoculars to see him! In fact,w e saw at least four other surfers way out beyond a point of land and eventually , we even saw a young couple toting their surboards down a little lane not far from the ocean. We guessed they lived here year round for the surfing that was available probably daily.

This is the huge main beach right in the city at the end of the main street. Imagine a summer day there...It must be jam packed with bikinis and dogs ...not dogs in bikinis... we discovered that dogs rule down in these parts and are quite welcome...just pick up your doggy doo and everyone kept happy about it. Never saw poop on any beach , but saw plenty of dogs and plenty of doggy "papers" as they were called.

Nice summery mural on one of the buildings as you enter Seaside.

Here , you can see the size of the tumultuous waves that were rolling into the rocky shore

No fear from our local boy who was all geared up in neoprene and heading for the rocks and waves below. The point you see to the far left is where we spotted the other surfers and essentially where this fellow paddled out to...until he was no more than a dot.

Here he studies the waves for ten minutes to judge when it would be a good time to plunge in. You can't see it, but his hands were bare. Brr....

At his chosen moment he takes the plunge!

By by young man... and he paddled and paddled so far out and then just rode the waves without ever getting up to a standing position. We eventually gave up wating for him to really get into the surfing.

"The Creator"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure this is the same trip we took with the long lost M family about 16 years ago. The ocean was phenomenal. And the views around every corner were beyond words!!!.