Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Scenes

Yep, a little colour enhancement here, but what the heck...I am at liberty to do as I please to my pics! In real life the colours were amazing ,and these were two trees I wanted to catch a fall photo of.

A few fall trees on the way to work on a rainy Friday!

Every year, I drive by and say to myself... I must get a pic of this tree when all the red leaves lie under this year was the year! Yea! I hope that is what our new maple tree grows up to look like in the fall! Meanwhile we had an abundance of leaves come down last night, but Emil cleaned them all up this afternoon.
Emil's buddy, Wayne came over and the two of them went in a fishing derby on Saturday...and threw back two smaller ones, that Wayne would have gratefully cooked up for his dinner!
In the end there was no replacement super sized fish so they came home hanging their heads down!
meanwhile, Sheryl came out and we all enjoyed a nice dinenr together once the fellows got home.
Earlier , on Saturday, I headed out to my garden and finished weeding the main section, then covered it all over with black plastic. Then I planted about forty strawberry plants that my boss kindly gave me, so with luck, I might see a fresh berry or two next spring. Thankfully, it is raining out tonight, as I had no water hooked up in the garden to give to the new plantings.

Today after Wayne and Sheryl left, I brought in yet another bucket of walnuts that Emil patiently cleaned. They are quite a mess this year, s o I hope they taste ok ,once they dry. We are still on walnut learning curve.
I spent the rest of my afternoon up in my, not painting, but hemming a couple of pairs of pants and sewing on missing buttons,and last but not least, sewing a costume of sorts for Hallowe'en. I put together what is supposed to be a dead bride dress, but so far with all of its whiteness ( curtain fabric), it looks a little like a puffy greek goddess..ha-ha... still needs some work, I must say. I think I need more props...maybe some long black gloves and a veil...maybe that could be black... I'll check Wally MArt in the next day or two. our theme this year isbride and grooms...
Finally, late in the afternoon, Deb and Ashley came over for HAppy hour and she brought a yummy pizza like dish made with phyllo dough, and then tomatoe slices on it with a dollop of rich cheese on top of the tomatoe... all topped with yummy spices... it was delicious. Thanks Deb!
ok, nighty comes early tomorrow...Love and miss you all...

"The Creator"
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