Monday, April 20, 2009

Beach Bonfire

It wasn't a heat wave,thats for sure, but we made the most of it, and roasted the hotdogs and filled our faces till we could eat no more at our first hot dog roasting bonfire of the year!
Everyone brought yummy salads and deserts, so no shortage of good food! Note, Deb wearing her winter touque!

I realize that I never did get a photo of us roasting weiners. My camera has been on its deathbed for weeks now and after the first few pics, it would not turn on...grrrrr....

Ann and Dick are so funny...kept us laughing She was saying the when Dick was working, he might have been the boss, but now that he is retired she is at least HALF the Boss of everything!

The good thing is that it wasn't windy out...freezing cold, but not windy. We packed it in by eight. Anyhow, it was anice little get together to start summer off..Well, at least to start spring off!
The weekend was productive. I planted many little seeds and here is hoping it all grows now. At least my garden is all properly fenced this year. The deer and the varments will be on the outside, not the inside!
I just found my Swiss chard, s o maybe I can get that in one night or morning. I was early enough this morning that I first walked Silky to the beach. She just pooped and turned around to go back home. I left her on the balcony and I returned to the beach then found my way right out on to the big sand bar that is almost showing as much as last year. A narrow bridge of sand keeps your feet dry enough to traverse about fifteen meters of muck, until you are onto the sandbar proper. A huge Immature eagle took flight from the west point of the bar and when I looked more closely, I could see that amongst the geese was another huge bird that was all puffed out, as tho he had just immerged from the water or a fight. I think it was another immature eagle.. It had to be over two feet tall and was brown and speckly with a bit of white here and there. He looked like he was too wet to flyand didn't seem overly afraid, tho I got quite close to him. That sight one killdeer, started my day off just perfectly!

"The Creator"
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