Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beautiful Sunday!

Serious snow, but the good news is that half of it melted today! Silky and I walked right down the yard to the beach this morning and never got stuck once! The sun came out and the temps soared to +14* in the sun...making today the real first day of Spring around here!

Now, here are some magnificent photos that Joyce took of the Trumpeter swans that pass through this area at this time of year, almost to the day! Often they are up around our part of the lake, but I only saw them at Four mile. In past years we've had as many as eight or ten. It is worrisome that they have been reduced to four .
Look at this amazing shot! Way to go, Joyce this is a pro pic! I hope the NDN publishes it, because it is certainly a treasure for everyone to appreciate. Nice zoom action...makes me want a new camera!
Nice photos Joyce...thanks for sharing...

"The Creator"
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