Friday, February 06, 2009

Good Morning...and TGIF!!!

Here is a pic of the little autobuses that ran all around the resort... You could hop on anywhere as long as there was room for you. At the end I have several videos shot while we were riding the bus... Enjoy!

7:00 am and it looks like we received a skiff of snow last night...nothing to get too worried about, but it is still a dark grey outside. Seems like the days are getting longer,but not as fast as I'd like! My book of good things says that on Feb18th, I'll get out of work and it will still be light out... then I'll be really thrilled! So we have pretty much just been working and sleeping... Emil is busy trying to clear the build up of icy snow that never got shovelled on our back patio while we were gone.Still there is piles of rock solid ice where we walked,so it isn't an easy task...but what the hey...not much else to do, while it is still winter...

Our neighbours returned home from their trip to South Beach Florida and then to the island of Grenada. They had a week with a lot of rain while on the island, but loved the beach and hotel when the sun was shining... they brought me back fragrant spices...nutmeg, cloves,and bay leaves, and big marble balls of pure chocolate to make a big batch of hot chocolate with. I haven't tried the chocolate yet, but it too smells yummy. The island grew many spices and cacoa beans and they visited a cocoa factory,as well as a rum factory...yum! is snowing out like crazy... I told Emil it wouldn't snow heh-heh...

So it will be a quiet week-end again... I invited Deb and Ashley over for dinner on Saturday night,and that is about it... do some cleaning and start a job of sorting out some piles of whatever down the basement... no lack of them...

So my time is up and here are a couple of videos taken while we rode the autobus from the quiet pool end of the resort to the beach end of the resort where our villa was located.. the first video is just to the theatre...the big pink building on the right. Then you will see many villas and the waterslide at the activity pool. We started the ride after we left the quiet pool. Enjoy the ride...and don't run over anyone!

"The Creator"

Riding the auto bus from towards the theatre at Sirena La Salena

This is from the theater to our villa near the beach... Hang on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good ride I had this morning! Was there any springs on that bus did sound bumpy going over those bricks......Guess it sure saves you walking some days!!'
Ps you big flower picture is good!! hugs Lynn