Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Was it fun? You Bet!!! is a smattering of photos from our trip to Veradero.... I took somewheres around a thousand...and will try to work on a photo albulm in a better order...In the meantime ,here are a few of food, fun, beaches and pools, and Havana shots... Just to give you an idea of the variety of things we did... , eat , drink, eat, drink, eat, drink..... you get the idea...

The sand at Cao- Coco was like icing sugar...fine as powder

The beach at the resort

Looking out to the Atlantic from the Malecon in HAvana

Cheers! Happy 40th to us at the French restaurant...They brought us the cake topped with fresh fruits, and a whole bottle of Champagne!

Life was good at the beach

The dolphin loved me!...but scared the hell out of me!

I called them pumpkins on wheels..little taxis

An example of the decaying architecture in HAvanna

Fun people we met from London Ontario

Emil stirring up trouble at the "Quiet Bar" ..He canonballed them just prior to the pic!

The cemetary in Havanna

Lobster and Prawn Paella at the Nolitours Tapas night

Life couldn't be better ,even with a cicada on your knee

Tough day doing crosswords

Lets the sky blue enuf???

The "Quiet Pool"

Buick in Havana

Our meats being cooked up at the Japanese A La Carte Restaurant

The beach at Salinas La Serena

"The Creator"

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Anonymous said...

It sure looks like fun and the Beachs terrific!! Can't wait to see more pictures........!!!
Did you get enough fish to eat?? Looks Absolituly Devine!! Good picking B&E! Talk later when you have some time...Love Lynn

Lori Shumey said...

WOWOWOW... THAT LOOKS SOOO BEAUTIFUL. Maybe when I grow up, I will be able to see and go to a gorgeous place like that. I have always wanted to go to Cuba. But I suppose in the meantime, I will be travelling around in my Cougar enjoying our beautiful province. Glad you had a great trip and WELCOME HOME. You must be back at work now. I was in Nelson the other day looking for the store you work in but couldn't find it. I suppose it would've helped if I had known the name....hjahaha. We are off to see the concert in the old theatre tomorrow night with the faculty from the music college. Should be a good time. Lori Ann