Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday to Shayne and Nadine

Hey there neice and nephew... Its your big day again! How is it, that a brother and sister were born on the same day? Did your mom and dad ever answer that one??

At least she waited a few years between the two of you! So Shayne turns 36 and Nadine turns 33! Hard to believe all those years have gone by so quick and now each of you are parents and enjoying your young families that are all so cute. In fact, Lynn has to be so proud that she is the leader of us all in total grandchildren! Way to go, Shayne and Nadine!

SO each of you, have a Happy Birthday from us and we'll have some yummy martini together. Here is the recipe for it... POM brand , pomagranite juice , shaken with that Blue Sapphire gin, over ice, and poured over a few tablespoons of pomagranite seeds in a martini glass. Now that is very yummy. And if we can't make that, then we'll have a beer! Love ya both... Auntie B.

Now here is a little Elvis for you from the party last week-end..

"The Creator"

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