Monday, May 19, 2008

Mystery of the Stick continues...

HRmph... this is apparently what the John and Ronda weather stick looks like. Note how it isn't a limp Stick like ours due to sabatage.

Maybe this letter will shed some light on the mystery...

Hello B.,

Wow, heard all about your "sabotage" last weekend. You must be very devastated to say the least. I'm surprised Silky didn't notice anyone hanging around...? I hope you have success gathering the DNA and the rain that day didn't wash it all away! But... I wanted to let you in on a little secret. My Mom chatted with me the other day and here is our conversation.... if I were you, I'd be a bit suspicious about those people over there at Nine Mile... you know they have all kinds of strange happenings over there...

Mom : " Have you heard about the terrible happenings over at Harrop?"

Ronda : "No"

Mom: " Didn't you read the Blog?"

Ronda: "Oh yeah, I can't understand what happened?"

Mom : "Well no, you couldn't where you live, but I'm worried sick cause we have a Stick too, and I'd hate to think those kinds of people around that would do such a thing...but you know, I have a good friend that could look into this for me and I should tell B. not to worry as he will come to the rescue."

Ronda : " That's a good idea, will probably make them sleep better at night."

Mom : "You may have heard of him... his name is Horatio and he's with an investigation group and I think they should come here and put everyone's minds to rest. "

Ronda: "That would be a wonderful idea... if anyone can get the job done it's "H"!"

Mom : "Until he does, I just don't have a clue... maybe you could shed some light on it, cause when I think about it, maybe you guys saw something when you were recently over there. I've checked on our Stick, and so far, all's well. "

Ronda: "No, we never saw anything unusual as long as you don't count Emil... LOL. But other then that, we saw nothing!!!"

Mom: "I've kinda seen those kinda "raincoats" before. In fact, I remember having a stash around here. Me thinks I should go and take stock... what do you think?"

Ronda: "Good idea, you never know....they may be missing and you might need one for your upcoming 60th anniversary! "

Mom: "Funny, funny!!! "

So, what do you think??? Fishy for sure!!! But I also wanted to let you know that things are pretty quiet here in Vernon and I've sent you a couple of pictures of our "stick" and as you can see, "NO WEATHER PROTECTION IS NEEDED HERE!!!!

Talk soon,
Love Ronda and John

Your mother is a wise woman, Ronda! However, she best let me know a little more about Horatio? Is he disguised as her garden -boy?

"The Creator"
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