Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Webopedia: Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations & Smiley Faces

Webopedia: Text Messaging, Chat Abbreviations & Smiley Faces

Well, It is a long story that brought me to the text messaging page, but what the hay. Morgan has a new cell phone, so I thought it would only be proper to send him a text message...Of course, he doesn't want anything to do with it, but Joyce is an inquisitive sort who was trying to get it all figured out...but not just yet. Either my message didn't send correctly, or it didn't get received by their phone... so here I am, looking up text messaging advice. I know tht using the T9 feature makes it fsaster to type out the words, but I can't remember how to scroll to the next available word... so I kept getting "good" ,instead of "home". Virginia told me how, but it looks like that tidbit of info fell into the dim zone,as I can't for the life do it.
So Joyce cooked me a yummy dinner tonight...stuffed roasted chicken, complete with cranberries and gravy...Who can resist that? It was all delicious, as was the apple pie and ice cream for desert... Yummy...Thank-you Joyce. It snowed all the way home, thus I am pretty much ready for my beddy. I might check my email then sayZZZZ...Have a good one..
Love you all...
"The Creator"

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