Tuesday, December 04, 2007

S'now place like home

This is what it looked like on Sunday morning...before it actually started to snow much...

It just kept on all day

I shovelled once, then I shovelled twice

Then I shovelled again before bed. Good thing, as it warmed up and slushed out another two inches of goop overnight. I shovelled that last night... One could hardly push it...so heavy. Our Mugo pines, in the lower part of the photo above ,were so weighted down with snow , they became flarttened to the ground! I tried to shake off some of them last night so their branches wouldn't break. We had two power outages early Monday am... I was wondering how I was going to get my car out of the garage! It came back on, which was a good thing.
Well, I better head to work. I think people are stating to be in the Xmas mood.
I had a note from PAmpered Chef and 2nd NAture, that both have been shipped... I'll calll or deliver when it arrives... Love ya...hope you aren't getting flooded out... It is supposed to warm right up today.
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