Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pics from today

Then there was this wasp nest with a strange tube formation...for the door,hanging off the roof of the pump house. Anyone see one of these before?

Celebration on the beach...well, call it what you like... the beach I mean... It is coming...

keeping clean Silky out of the mud

And then a Heron flew by...quite huge...double click the photo to enlarge it...

"The Creator"
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More Party Pics...

Correna and Eva with Linda behind

Emil having a laugh

Joyce and Sonia browning the roasts

Laughing ourselves silly over some old ancestral tales...and then Joyce clucked Correna on the head like old Grandpa Brewer used to...just to demonstrate of course...but she nearly took the hide off C's head!

Sonia and Eva over a couple of Mojitos

"The Creator"

And ...the new sign is up...Happy Birthday Emil

Looking mighty fine! Thanks ron for the great job on the sign post and getting the sign all hung up for us!

Emil and his Birthday/Retireday sign!...after a bit of manual labour to place it!

Our Little Maple tree has shot up about two feet this year!

And also today, Emil got the post in for the beautiful bird feeder from Ron and Phoebe...Now I have to pick up some bird seed...seems like I am all out of it right now... soon the little tweeties will be moving in!
Once again....thank-you Ron and Phoebe...sure hope Phoebe is feeling better tonight!

"The Creator"
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More fun from the party

Deb and John from Edmonton... our neighbours from way back when in Prince George... We were doing the taste test for the cheesecakes!

Sue and Aubrey, our other good Prince Georgian friends... so happy you and Deb and John could make it!

They day was hot...Diane, Sandra, and Janice... cooling off!

My sweet Annette made it back with her new sweety, Scott...nice to finally meet you!

"The Creator"
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Happy July 1st...

My gift to Emil...a new sign for our driveway... and thank-you so much to Ron for building the beautiful sign -post...amazing! We'll be getting that baby in its place within the next few days! Thanks Ron

They came, they laughed, they cried, as we heard stories and thanks from Emil as he opened the many thoughtful gifts..He was delighted to see everyone and was just so pleased that people came!

More speeches from Emil before he cut the cake

Playing a few games..of course the guys did a little cheating

They won anyhow, and here they are in their prize sunglasses!

I am so happy that our big Retire day Party was a great success this week-end with so many of Emil's best friends ( and relatives..still best friends) taking time out of their busy lives to come up to our great celebration that seemed to go for quite a few days! Thank-you to one and all for attending, and for all of your terrific help! Everyone just pitched in and served and sorted and chopped and mixed and did the dishes... I am so grateful to all of you, as I couldn't have done it by myself! I especially want to thank Sonia and Lynn and Joyce for their untiring assistance! I don't want to cry, but we are so blessed to have such a wonderful collection of family and friends who travelled long hours to get here and share in the fun!

Annette called to say that her and Scott made it home safely , but not before a big hail storm in Manning Park where the hail stones were coming down so fast and furious that the whole line of cars pulled off the road and waited until the storm subsided...Whew! Sounds bad!
They made it home safe and sound! Tough for all of you who had to travel up and back home again in two or three days...much appreciated!
Well, I could write a bucket, but I am pooped...have to return to work after a lovely five day stretch off...retirement must be nice!