Saturday, March 12, 2011

Easy Peezy pie crust roll out

In a hurry, can't roll out pastry... Here is an easy trick... overlap two 16" lengths of saran wrap to give you a large square surface. On top, put your ball of pastry.

Cover with two more sheets of saran wrap

Start rolling. This worked well with a hot water pastry...not so sure if does as well with regular pastry... however it is worth a try...

Roll and turn and roll and turn until you have a nice flat piece of pastry a little bigger than your pie plate

Take off the top piece of plastic and either roll up the pastry on to the rolling pin and transfer it to your pie plate or fold the pastry in half and turn it into the pie plate ,then unfold.
"The Creator"
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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

For the Love of Cooking

This is how I would like my recipe blog to look like someday... however, for now I will come back to this one over and over for excellent printable recipes...Check it out! I will put it on my sidebar for easy access in the future.

"The Creator"

More retirement pics.

Here is Francis and Randy...holding Baily after he just finished drinking a little wine himself! Note his little pink tongue...

This is Chunk, Caitlin's boyfriend, Dustin's, bull dog. He was pretty thrilled with Silky's treat ball

Deb and Francis

Deb and Ashley's daughter, Caitlin and Francis checking out the munchies... those are dry roasted pork ribs.

And look who popped in...Gord! Nothing like a little Happy Hour break on a Sunday afternoon.

Yes, that was last Sunday that we had a little Happy Hour that went on for quite a number of hours...lots of laughs as usual and nice to get together during this long long winter.

"The Creator"

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Casting for the Stephen King's Dark Tower Series...

Roland Deschain: Josh Holloway who portrayed Sawyer on the Lost Series....Can he pull off the Last Gunslinger chasing the Man in Black across the desert...looking for the Dark Tower?
I pictured Rowland as someone different,more rugged,but hey with a little make-up, blue eyes,and hair dyed black ..I liked his style in Lost although I was thinking about Johnny Depp. I think he has the tenacity and the age factor,and mystery going for him.
We will see what Ron Howard comes up with. Check the link for a suggested list of characters on a blog named OLOGY by Chelsea Davison :
I will be first in the line-up at the theatre if it comes to the big screen! Makes me want to reread the series ,now that I am retired!

What about Silky playing the bumbler named Oy? She is far too pretty,I think!

"The Creator"

EQUALS...Are we? as women?

"The Creator"